
Thursday, February 16, 2012
it's been awhile... @ 8:59 PM

Nursing has taken over my LIFE!!! No kidding! I sure do love being busy and catching up reading all this Nursing things and checking out from my checklist! Practically that's how my life goes here in the Philippines but other than school things the philippines has been good to me. Yes it has! The weather is so unpredictable but traveling to Manila once in awhile has made it so easy since i understand and speak a few of tagalog! :)

just one more month then i'll be home sweet home for a good 21 days (i think). i sure can't wait to be back to the homeland! i miss america!! i've been in asia for such a long time! seriously...yes i do LOVE to travel to Indonesia just for BALI! cause BALI is an amazing place to be at! i sure do miss my 2nd home ...i'll sure head there soon again. come on...my aunt's house is still there. hopefully it's fixed. maybe some day i'll buy a house there or my parents would just buy a little house. like an vacation house rather than buying one in Jakarta! hehehe....

well....anywayz...here are some pictures from the philippines with a few of my friends (taman (bahasa) , kabigan(tagalog))
