Wednesday, May 2, 2012
like what?? @ 5:54 AM
so today was an interesting day.
cause this afternoon was pretty interesting.
my last sem CI that i haven't seen in awhile came up to me....
saying things that i can't believe why he said it in front of my friends.
like yeah...from across i saw him waving and i waved back.
but saying ....
hey sexy!!!! in front of me and in front of my friends is kinda awkward.
but as usual me...i was like hi! :)
then he kept saying i miss u...then realize that around me was other students and was like ....i miss you all.
strange things.
i miss that CI and i know i always see him randomly in paseo and other places.
he's not that old...he's like 5 years older than me which is fine!
but yeah....
whatever the future holds. i guess...